FE pod ep 0043 – Collocations with the verb ‘have’

In this episode I talk about collocations with the verb ‘have’. I start by discussing the meaning of ‘have’ in some of the collocations and then I move on to give a few examples of how they can be used in a sentence. I also briefly talk about light verbs.

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FE pod ep 0035 – How to greet people in English

In this episode I talk about how to greet people in English. I start by giving some examples and discussing the vocabulary used in greetings and then I talk about some collocations used to describe how people greet each other.

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FE pod ep 0011 – Collocations

In this episode I talk about collocations and how important they are. I start by reading a definition from the Oxford Collocations Dictionary, then I discuss the importance of collocations and finally I give an example of how you can learn them.

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